Saturday, December 29, 2007


Well, it was not the prettiest day for a session. It was very dark AND raining. We tried our best to get through the session but had to cut it short. What a great family this was -- they just took it all in stride. I on the other hand was doing all that I could to keep my camera from getting wet.

Here are a few previews from our soggy time together, ha ha ha.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Welcome to the world!

Congratulations to M and J on the arrival of little Kaylei! She arrived on December 21st exactly a week after out maternity session. The funny thing is, her son B was born about a week after his maternity session too. We joked today about how that worked out. So I suppose if you are wanting to have your baby sooner than later....just schedule a maternity session with me, ha ha ha!
We decided last minute to do her newborn shoot today. K was wide awake the entire time I was there. I think we will schedule another newborn session for the first of the week and pray that she will be a sleepy baby, he he.

Here is one of little K peeking out from behind a blankie we had her wrapped up in.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

December Darling!

First I would like to wish everyone a (late) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope you had a beautiful holiday!

WOW, was it ever cold today! 37 degrees and that's not including the wind chill. For us beach goers...that's Cooooooold, lol. I met with Miss S today to do some portfolio work for her (pageants). I tell you what -- you would NEVER know this child is 10! Yes, she had on make-up - but it was done for the above reason.

Went for mostly moody shots...because it was too dern cold to smile, ha ha ha ha!

Here are a few (ok, a LOT of) previews of the beautiful Miss S!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Oh, the color I've been waiting for....

...and a beautiful little model to boot! This is my daughters friend "A" and it was her 8th birthday yesterday. I scooped her up and we drove around looking for locations to get some great pics. Boy did we ever find awesome locations!!! These would be spectacular senior locations too.
It was absolutely FREEZING out and "A" was such a trooper. I brought my pettiskirts and her little bare legs were peeking out. I was bundled up and I know she was!
Anyway, it was so worth it (and her Mommy LOVES what we captured).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY "A"!!!!!!Can't you just feel the cold when you look at these??!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Portfolio building for 2008 ** SPECIALS**

I am looking to add some new looks to my portfolio and want to experiment a bit with my style. I am looking for up to 4 subjects in each catagory. The session will be free for you...and will only take an hour or two of your time. You will also receive a free gift from your session (I will choose this print - but you will also be able to purchase additional images from your gallery)!

Visit my website at: and contact me for more information!

Here are the subjects that I am in need of (both male and female)


Ages: up to 8 weeks
Style: In home session using all the natural light I can find in your home.
Clothing: Minimal/none (babies in their birthday suits)
Additional: These sessions may take a little longer as we will work around babies schedule (feeding, etc). Will try to schedule for when baby is sleeping.

3 spots remaining


Ages: 4 years to 12 years
Style: Down town session - using various locations in Myrtle Beach.
Clothing: Fun. Funky. Colorful. Hats. Scarves. Faux Fur. Nothing plain about this session!
Additional: It will be cold outside so we can take breaks to warm up in the car. These sessions will last 1 to 2 hours depending on your child and how many locations we use. I have several pettiskirts that we can use during your session.



Ages: 13 years to 19 years
Style: Down town session - using various locations in Myrtle Beach.
Clothing: Skater. Urban. Retro. Funky.
Additonal: See Kids.

4 spots remaining


Ages: Male High School Seniors
Style: Various locations in Myrtle Beach.
Clothing: What makes you YOU!
Additional: I am in need of male seniors only!

4 spots remaining


Ages: 18+ (looking for models)
Style: Down town session - using various locations in Myrtle Beach.
Clothing: Various looks wanted - inquire for more information.
Additional: Looking for male and female models over the age of 18.

4 spots remaining

Since these sessions are for portfolio building purposes, I do not promise my normal minimum of 30 proofs. You will receive a private online gallery on my website for 30 days. During this time you may purchase any of the images shown! I will ask that you sign a model release at the time of your session. This will allow me the right to use the images on my website, in advertising, photo contest, photo forums, etc. I hold all copyrights to images taken. The Free gift that you will receive will include a "print as you like" copyright release.

These sessions will only take place in January and February of 2008! Contact me as soon as possible to be put on the list. I will then contact you with further information about the dates and answer any questions that you may have.

Thank you and I hope that you will take advantage of these specials!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Diva did it!

Yup, another post about my little diva! Today we traveled to Florence, SC for her 5th pageant. There were 4 in her age group and she won the title along with most photogenic, portfolio winner, Christmas wear winner and most beautiful hair and smile! She's so very brave and owns that stage when she gets up there, lol. I tell ya, this child has a future in Hollywood, ha ha ha.

Here are a few captures I was able to get. Keep in mind that it was quite dark, with yellow lighting and I didn't have my flash. My iso was at 1600 and I had to drop my ss to 125.

S would like to thank Mrs. Nancy for her hair and make-up.Showing off her Christmas wear...A big grin after her beauty portion...Being crowned Tiny Miss Florence Christmas Princess 2007!And a little chocolaty treat from her goody bag, lol.

A Diva, Pettiskirts, and Train Tracks....

I have to start this off by saying...."I am totally exhausted from the holiday rush!" Needed to do something to de-stress!

So what do I do to relieve stress you may ask? I decide to get Syda out of school an hour early to do a photo shoot. I would have done it after school but had to teach a riding lesson. It worked out so well because a few clouds came over while we were shooting. I decided to go just a few blocks from the school where there are some old train tracks. I'm so happy I chose this location!

These are petti's that I purchased to use during sessions. I guess you could say this was a test shoot of sorts. I have to say that I LOVE them! These are perfect for bringing out the little diva in any girl! Sydney is no exception...she adored wearing them!

Here are a few -- ok, a LOT -- of previews from our little diva session. Look at her model, ha ha!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Oh Baby!

I was so happy to hear that M was expecting baby #2! She is due the first of January but they doctors think it may be sooner. She called last week and we quickly scheduled her maternity session. So on Wednesday I met with her at her home and we took off on the golf cart to scout out locations. The sun was setting and provided a beautiful glow! We got some shots of just M and the belly -- and also with little B (who has grown up SO much!). I remember doing his maternity session...and it feels like yesterday! Can't wait to meet baby - they think it's a girl but don't know for sure.

Here are a few previews from our session....