Friday, January 12, 2007


What a week! I'm poooooped, he he. I'm looking forward to my second set of "Winter Hat" mini-sessions that are scheduled for tomorrow. Going to luck out again with temps in the 70s. Of course, it still makes it tough to get in the winter mood (not that I'm complaining - LOVE the warm weather).

I'm feeling guilty because I haven't had the time to work my horse consistantly since early fall. He's kinda been put on the back burner. I don't think he's minds one bit...nothing like not working, eating and sleeping all day, ha ha. Our show season starts in March so I need to put him back to work. I've also had a hard time finding the time to get my daughter on her pony. It just seems the days go so fast and before I know another week has flown by.

Until next time...

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