Wednesday, July 18, 2007

R and E

This afternoon I met with my future bride and groom - R and E. What a beautiful couple they are...and FUN! They brought along their yellow lab Ripken so that he could join them in some photos. We started in the castle and then moved down to the beach.

It was fairly overcast so not a ton of natural light in the castle. I did shoot without my flash as much as possible! As we headed down to the ocean we realized why the castle was so quiet. All the other photographers were down there! We also had several kite fliers....and not just kiddie kites either. These big 'ole kites that sounded like gigantic mosquito's, ha ha. We watched one girl getting drug down the beach by hers.

Anyway, I had a blast working with you guys. Looking forward to your big day!! Here are a few previews from our time together~

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